Multi Metals India is one of the leading manufacturers and supplier of Super Duplex Steel S32750 Welded Pipes SupplierSuper Duplex Steel S32750 Welded Pipes. Our company is actively involved in the development of a varied range of high-grade products suitable for full industrial applications. We produce Super Duplex Steel S32750 Welded Pipes by referring to national and global quality standards and safety norms. Further, we continuously provide these welded pipes in the desired quality and quantity. Here we take the support of the advanced production facility, innovative testing tools, and proven production procedure. Along with this, our team of dedicated designers, experienced production experts and well-trained workers act as strong pillars in the success of our company.
Multi Metals India procures high-quality raw material from trustworthy vendors. Here we use Super Duplex Steel S32750 as a raw material for the production of welded pipes. During the creation of welded pipes, our experts and designers monitor the process at every stage. These stages include a selection of raw material, validation of procedure, storage, packing and delivery. The raw material which we select offers excellent mechanical and chemical properties to end product. Our experts ensure the characteristics of raw material before passing it for production. We check the raw material and finished product for various parameters such as hardness, behaviour to quenching, and stress resistance.