We Multi Metals India is a leading supplier and manufacturer of supreme grade Monel 400 / K500 Flanges. Our company offers Flanges that carry high yield strength and tensile strength. For the manufacturing of Monel 400 and Monel K500 Flanges, we procure high-grade raw material from our trustworthy dealer. We produce these Monel Flanges by performing various procedures such as cold working, hot working, precipitation, etc. cold-working makes our product hard and robust to any condition. Our company has a team of production experts, curative designers, skilled quality analysts, well-trained production staff. By using their guidance, Multi Metals India produces and supplies supreme grade Monel 400 / K500 Flanges.
Further, our products hold the outstanding ability to work smoothly in the various temperature range from low to high. We ensure the product ability to work even below the cryogenic temperature. Our company forms flanges that are suitable to work in solutions containing oxidizing, non-oxidizing media and high velocity flowing water. For the production of high-quality Monel flanges and the selection of raw material, we take the guidance of our experts. Our expert monitors every stage of production, starting from the raw material section, analysis of raw material and products. Also, our expert makes sure to produce, store and dispatch high-quality, tested and workable outcomes. We have a team who take of the product until its dispatch to the client location.